
Onion prices refuse to drop despite imports from China

Wholesalers at the Kalimati Fruits and Vegetable Market are charging Rs130 per kg for Chinese onions and Rs135 per kg for the Indian product. Onion prices refuse to drop despite imports from China
Traders said they had placed orders for tonnes of onions from the northern neighbour for the Dashain festival, but the shipments were stranded at the border due to landslides and virus-triggered movement restrictions. POST FILE PHOTO
Krishana Prasain
Published at : October 29, 2020
Updated at : October 29, 2020 21:54

Krishana Prasain

Krishana Prasain is a business reporter for The Kathmandu Post covering markets. Before joining The Kathmandu Post in 2018, she spent 3 years in New Business Age magazine covering business.
