Govt to study 10 medicinal plants for conservation
The government has decided to carry out a study on status of 10 important medicinal plants distributed across the country to lay down measures for their conservation and sustainable management for the benefit of the local communities and the national economy.
The government has decided to carry out a study on status of 10 important medicinal plants distributed across the country to lay down measures for their conservation and sustainable management for the benefit of the local communities and the national economy.
The Department of Forests (DoF) under the Ministry of Forests and Soil
Conservation (MoFSC) is conducting the study on the plants in the fiscal year 2017-2018 that will focus on natural distribution and collection of the plant species, evaluation of the plant species that are threatened, are of great social and economic importance.
The study is expected to help in identifying the medicinal plant species that can be recommended for sale in the market to increase the national economy and ultimately improve the livelihoods of the local communities dependent on these plant resources.
The plant species named for the study are Picrorhiza (Neopicrorhiza scrophulariifolia) locally known as Kutaki; Spikenard (Nardostachys grandifolia), Jatamashi; Salep (Dactylorhiza hatagirea), Panchaunle; Monks hood (Aconitum spicatum), Bish; Indian valerian (Valariana jatamasii), Sugandhawal; Himalayan Onion (Allium wallichii), Banlasun; Liliaceae (Paris polyphylla), Satuwa; Milk parsley (Salinum tenuifolium), Bhutkesh; Crowfoot (Delphinium denudetum), Nirmasi; and Himalayan Yew (Taxus wallichiana), Loth salla.
According to the DoF, Jatamasi is the most exported among the 10 medicinal plant species in the last four years at 230,000kg, followed by Kutki, Satuwa, Sugandhwala, Ban lasun, Bishmara and Nirmasi.
“Nepal has a high potential for the traditional medicinal herbs that have high economic value,” said Krishna Acharya, director general at the DoF.
“The proper conservation and sustainable management of these resources can contribute to local economy.”