Sat, Mar 15, 2025
Asar Pandra observed (with photos)
People across the country are celebrating Asar Pandra, also known as National Paddy Day by planting paddy in their fields on Wednesday.
Anusha Neupane
Published at : June 29, 2016
Updated at : June 30, 2016 00:00
Photos by Milan Poudel
People across the country are celebrating Asar Pandra, also known as National Paddy Day by planting paddy in their fields on Wednesday.
Locals prepare to plant rice on the occasion of Asar 15, at Khokana, Lalitpur.
The day usually falls in the last week of June and is traditionally celebrated by singing, dancing and splashing mud at each other. A mixture of curd and beaten rice, popularly known as Dahi-Chiura, is a staple specific to the day.
Pre-School kids participate on a Rice planting ceromony on Asar 15 at khokana, Lalitpur.
The day has a significant meaning in the country as paddy accounts for a large proportion of agricultural production in the country.
Locals Participate in a rice planting ceremony on Asar 15, at Khokana, Lalitpur.
Kids Participate in a Ropain Ceremony on Asar 15 at Khokana,Lalitpur.
A local farmer teaches Pre-school kids to plant paddy on the occasion of Asar 15 at Khokana, Lalitpur.
Pre-School kids participate on a Rice planting ceromony on Asar 15 at Khokana, Lalitpur.
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E-PAPER | March 15, 2025