Bhattachan responds to sexual harassment charges
I have a serious concern on the main news (‘Tribhuvan University lecturer sexually harassed female students for years’, 24 January 2019) of your esteemed newspaper, The Kathmandu Post.
I have a serious concern on the main news (‘Tribhuvan University lecturer sexually harassed female students for years’, 24 January 2019) of your esteemed newspaper, The Kathmandu Post. My serious objection is that the main news, my picture and the thrust of the news appears to have been published, in your credible newspaper, in an organised way with malicious intent to sabotage and systematically attack the Indigenous Peoples’ movement by defaming me based on the baseless and manufactured allegations of sexual harassment, damage my reputation, professionalism and dignified life, as I have been highly critical of racism and discrimination against Indigenous Peoples, Dalit, Madhesi and other marginalised communities. The Kathmandu Post, through the headline news and the picture, clearly declare and give the impression that I am convicted of sexually harassing female students, but the content of the news does not match with it as it is based on false, baseless and manufactured allegations. Further, the Kathmandu post has violated the privacy law by publishing my picture in the news without my consent.
Krishna Bahadur Bhattachan
Lalitpur, Nepal,