Gandaki Province

Villagers help harvest paddy of coronavirus infected family in Tanahun

At a time when Covid-19 patients are facing stigma in different parts of the country, people from four villages in Vyas set an example of community solidarity amid this crisis. Villagers help harvest paddy of coronavirus infected family in Tanahun
Local residents of Barlanchi village in Vyas Municipality, Tanahun, have been applauded for helping out a neighbour in distress. Post Photo
Anup Ojha
Published at : October 29, 2020
Updated at : October 30, 2020 12:01

Anup Ojha

Anup Ojha was a reporter for The Kathmandu Post primarily covering social issues, crime, and human interest stories since 2011. Before moving to the social beat, Ojha covered arts and culture for the Post for four years.
