Stop the bloodshed in Gaza
The Israeli massacre of civilians in Gaza may turn into a cause for future terrorism.
Mitra Pariyar
British evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins has written in his popular 1976 book The Selfish Gene, “Unfortunately, however much we may deplore something, it does not stop being true.” This observation rings true in the Middle East conflict today.
I am not even remotely connected to the Palestinians, nor with the Israelis. Nor am I a Muslim. But, like many people across the world, the ongoing carnage in Gaza has moved me. I cannot help staring at the images of the terrible death and destruction of thousands of innocent civilians helplessly and sadly. Of course, I was initially angry at the mindless violence committed by Hamas on innocent Israelis and foreigners in the south of the country on October 7. At least 1,400 innocent Israelis including women and children were massacred.
This terrible Hamas attack in Israel hurt not just Israelis, but some foreign nationals as well. My own countrymen have suffered casualties. At least 10 young Nepali students studying and working in southern Israel lost their lives; one of them is still missing. He is potentially in Hamas captivity, but nobody knows if he is still alive or has already been blown to pieces by Israeli bombs.
Self-harming response
Like most people around the world, my respect and sympathy for Israel has rapidly dwindled in the immediate aftermath of the October 7 attacks. Our support for Israel has been buried under piles of Palestinian dead bodies and flattened settlements; and washed away by the rivers of Palestinian blood and tears.
Hamas targeting innocent Israelis for their political causes was a crime. Israel’s response by indiscriminately bombing and killing thousands of civilians, and collectively punishing the millions of civilians—who were already living a life of hell in an open prison—is a far worse crime.
How can anyone see Israelis as victims now? They appear monstrous for not only forcibly displacing millions of civilians, but also depriving them of basics like food, medicine and fuel.
If we are to condemn Hamas for brutalising a civilian population in southern Israel, what are we to say of Israel that has killed and wounded and displaced far greater numbers of innocent civilians in the name of fighting their enemy? Are all Palestinians living in Gaza members of Hamas?
Killing and maiming any innocent civilian on any side of the wall is wrong. Inhumane. Unacceptable. Period!
Unless, of course, we were to value human lives according to their nationality, ethnicity, race, religion, caste and creed. I am more than aware of the violence committed by the so-called upper castes on the “untouchables” in South Asia—but I did not know even Israelis could become so cruel to fellow human beings.
For Israel, there seems to be no respect for the notion of crime against humanity, and no recognition of the Geneva Convention. It is horrifying to see the victim morph into such a terrible aggressor, within decades.
Of all nations and peoples, the Israelis themselves must see the long-term negative consequences of their evil actions right now. Revenge might be sweet for now, but the future prospects seem grim from all angles. Whether or not Hamas is destroyed, this extreme counter-offensive is bound to impact the state and people of Israel for many decades to come. A country should act with some common sense even when terribly offended and angry.
More so for a country like Israel whose nemeses declare to wipe it off the face of the earth. And it is surrounded by such enemies on all sides. Every death is likely to anger many people and make them anti-Israel. Sooner or later, they may come back to avenge their own suffering. History is testament to that.
So, in their attempts to annihilate their current arch enemy, Hamas, the Israeli government should see some sense and behave more responsibly. Stop misusing your military might, as it will almost certainly boomerang on you one day.
Failure of world leaders
The ongoing asymmetrical war in the Middle East is likely to reflect very badly on world leaders too. History will not judge them kindly.
Hundreds of thousands of people have marched on the streets of European and American cities including London, Paris and Washington, DC. The protesters are not happy with Palestinian suffering, and they have demanded that their leaders act to stop the genocidal violence in Gaza.
The United Nations has also stressed the need for an immediate ceasefire and the adequate supply of basic needs in Gaza. It has asked Israel and others to protect lives in the hell hole. But, thus far, world leaders have done nothing substantial. All they have done is engage in shuttle diplomacy and express public support for Israel, which, given the circumstances, sounds both ridiculous and unwise.
Israel seems to have been further encouraged to carry on with its terrible carnage by the tacit support of its Western allies. This is a shame!
It is important that United States President Joe Biden and United Kingdom Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, amongst other influential leaders, show a little more sympathy to the suffering lot in Gaza. This support and sympathy need not come at the expense of offending Israel. As I mentioned before, seeking a better solution than slaughtering hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians is better for the long-term future of Israel itself.
The utter apathy of Western leaders has started problems in their own countries already. Anti-semitism is on the rise. The lives and properties of Jews are likely under risk. Violence has erupted in some cities and towns (even though they have nothing to do with the actions of the Israeli state).
It is better to prevent terrorism on home turf instead of having to contain it later. To prevent radicalism, the leaders must try to address its root causes. The Israeli massacre of innocent civilians in Gaza may turn into a cause for terrorism for many years to come.
So, we should all urge world leaders to act quickly, to force Israel to limit its firepower. And to announce a ceasefire immediately and start treating Palestinians in Gaza like human beings. Humanity is under attack in Gaza right now, and we all feel the pain.