Climate & Environment

Thin polyethene bags are illegal in Nepal, but they are still everywhere

In Nepal, one is restricted to consume, import, store, sell and distribute polythene bags, but there are no bans on manufacturers. They are still making more plastic. Thin polyethene bags are illegal in Nepal, but they are still everywhere
Polythene bags whose thickness is less than 40 microns and size is smaller than 20 by 35 inches are illegal yet ubiquitous. Beeju Maharjan/TKP
Abani Malla
Published at : September 4, 2019
Updated at : September 4, 2019 07:44

Abani Malla

Abani Malla was culture and arts reporter at The Kathmandu Post, who focused on the arts and lifestyle. She is also an illustrator and blogger.
