Bikash Gupta

Latest from Bikash Gupta

The Lost Generation

For this generation, to cave in was to once again succumb to a centuries old status quo—unjust and no longer conscionable

What Kollywood gets wrong

Even before its release, Sanrakshan, a movie largely based on the Tarai-Madhes politics, has become a social media sensation.

Language and treatment

Communication holds a place of paramount significance in medical treatment. While we boast of being a nation with multi-cultured diversity, how efficient are we at communication?

Hostel Returns

Besides the poor direction and noticeably flaky acting, the movie constantly produces a series of indigestible scenes.

Air Diary

As an orange line emerges on one side and the moon sinks on the other, I wish Nepal too would break out from the darkest clutches of the night

How did social media dupe us?

Quite a while ago, #BeforeFacebookI trended on Facebook. People, excited, while some despiteful, thronged to share their experiences—I deterred.

Would you date an OS?

Recently, I watched this movie titled Her. Directed by Spike Jonze, the movie made me think about Artificial Intelligence the whole night.

Of fear

There was a fear in everyone’s mind. Did someone do something wrong to her? Was the girl too terrified to say anything to anyone?

Living in sin city

Coming from one of the remote parts in the southern belt of Nepal, I always measured Kathmandu to be huge and overwhelming entity.

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