Anurag Devkota

Devkota is a human rights lawyer specialising in labour migration.

Latest from Anurag Devkota

Breaking the chain

Human trafficking under the guise of labour migration has become one of the most severe problems faced by Nepali migrant workers in recent times.

Exploitation in the hills

Beyond the commercial price of every packet of tea manufactured in Nepal is the hidden price of human lives degraded by labour exploitation. Workers are forced to work in poor and inhumane environments with wages, services and facilities far below the minimum set by the laws of Nepal.

Have no fear

Laws to protect victims and witnesses are essential to ensure a fair judicial process

Repair or despair

The next great need is strong reform of the public sector, if the country is to move forward on the road to prosperity

Don’t let bygones be bygones

The victims of the conflict that afflicted Nepal from 1996 to 2006 are no longer buying into the idea that the current transitional justice apparatus will uphold post-conflict justice.

What’s gone wrong?

Nepal is a small country which hosts problems as big as a continent itself. For instance, the fate of post-disaster reconstruction, post-conflict peace building, human rights abuses, economic disparity,

Cost of migration

In July 2015, the government decided to adopt a free-visa-free-ticket arrangement for seven labour destination countries, shifting the financial cost associated with recruitment to the employer.

Power of stories

The technique of communication is a subtle art that everyone can use yet few have mastered. There are different ways to communicate efficiently and deliver intended messages to the audience. This technique is an essential component for Civil Society Organisations (CSOs).

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