Culture & Lifestyle
Why you should reach out for help
Asking for help is often one of the most difficult things for people to do. So, we need to be able to respond without prejudice or bias.
Dipesh Tandukar
Often as counselors and mental health professionals, we come across the same question over and over again, do we need to talk about mental health?
We do understand that mental health can be a sensitive topic, and most people would rather avoid talking about it in any form or way because they feel as if talking about it shows that they might be suffering from it. This is the most worrying part of mental health conversations. Since the topic is so stigmatised, people who could benefit from talking about it might be scared that doing so would reveal they have it.
Therefore, they avoid discussing it, and they might feel compelled to avoid the topic entirely.
After all, people don’t want their friends, family, loved ones, and those around them to think of them as lesser. They don’t want to be seen as someone with issues, and that is why so many people suffer from these issues in silence. They would rather hide than open up about what they might be going through.
Talking about mental health issues has always been a difficult topic. However, if we look at the flip side, not talking about it and not being aware of its impacts can have detrimental effects. The most common are worsening symptoms leading to deteriorating mental health conditions, increased feelings of isolation and helplessness and in severe cases, it can result in tragic outcomes such as self-harm or suicide.
So, we return to the same question again: “Do we need to talk about mental health?” The only answer is yes. It should be, and in fact, it must be talked about even more often so that people who are suffering from it can feel free and open to sharing their stories of what they have been through and what they can do moving ahead.
Mental health issues are like physical problems that everyone experiences. They are ailments, the only difference being whether or not we seek help for them. So, shouldn’t we talk and seek help when we have difficulties?
People who have mental health issues often go through a tough time. They don’t know whom to reach out to and what to do. They don’t realise that they might be acting differently from the people they were and just accept that the behaviours and emotions they are feeling currently are how they have felt for a long, long time. This only adds to their feeling of helplessness as they begin to isolate themselves from others, not because they want to but because they don’t know what else they can do.
In these situations, what can truly help is acknowledging that they might be suffering from a mental health condition and reassuring them that they are not alone. And for this to happen, we need to talk about mental health.
A simple example to understand this is how we are much more understanding of stressed people. In the past, we might have never even considered that someone well off can be stressed, or stress can even be a factor that affects the day-to-day lives of an individual. However, now we recognise that stress can be crippling for many. And it is not just related to work. Other factors like family responsibilities, financial pressures, health issues, and social relationships can also cause stress.
Similarly, in recent times, we have seen that people are beginning to be more open to talking about anxiety and depression. This is progress. It has been possible because people have come out of their comfort zones to discuss it. Isn’t it better when people don’t have to hide what they are feeling? This is what we need to strive for.
Asking for help is often one of the most difficult things for people to do. So, when they do want to ask for it, we need to be able to respond without prejudice or bias. To do this, we need to listen to them, understand what they may be going through, and show them how we can support them.
And, by doing this we create a safe space for people to express themselves. Wouldn’t this be a better alternative than not talking about what one is going through at all and suffering alone? And this can only happen once we talk about it. So, this is a request to all to open up and share. Let your worries out, and also listen to the worries of others without any judgment.