Responsible for nothing
Nothing can be done here.
Aakriti Karki
Very often, the comments are about corrupt politicians, shortages and how we’ve been led by the wrong leaders most of the time. “Sati ko saraap” (curse of the sati). That’s what people say is keeping our country from developing. Being the optimistic kind, every time I hear or read such comments, things like “Nonsense!” slip out of my mouth. The more “politically aware” people around me start giving that long speech on how today’s youth “just don’t care”. It’s not that I don’t care. The reason I don’t believe in pointing fingers at our elected leaders is that I don’t believe the curse is on Nepal. I believe we are the curse that’s stopping our country from going forward. We are to blame for everything that’s happening around here. We complain that the roads are dusty, the rivers are polluted and that nothing is in order in our country. We say that the politicians have led our country to bankruptcy. We accuse them of stocking their bank accounts at the expense of the poor Nepali’s poverty. But do we ever question why they never stop and start following their conscience?
Aren’t we the ones who use “source-force” to enrol children into schools, to find a job for ourselves or to simply book a seat at any prestigious institute? Aren’t we the ones who like showing off the bureaucratic power our relatives hold? People bow down to power no doubt. Power influences people. I accept that. But how long before we realise that showing off power at kitty parties or social gatherings won’t get us anywhere? Will we ever learn to respect people based on their merit and not on the basis of their black money? It’s easier said than done. But if we can’t stop following the wrong kind of influential people, we can’t have the right to point fingers at them for trying to impress us either!
With all that’s happening, I want to become the prime minister as well. But then I realised that the prime minister, or any other leader for that matter, would hold no power if more people went on with their own lives without being a curse on their country. I hope others also start realising that everything can be done here, and that every one of us is responsible for the nothing that is happening in our country.