Ten global threats
A Global Security Day can bring together governments, security agencies and people for a collective security strategyKishor Kumar Lama
Given the importance of security in the current world order, it is surprising that a specific day has not been set aside to recognise its many roles in dealing with complex threats to human life. Generally, security programmes are organised whenever possible. In Nepal, security is often a secondary activity in the anniversary functions of police organisations. The inclusion of security activities and targeted audiences are limited whereas security concerns should be presented to a wider public, educating and changing their attitude to act proactively under threat and emergency situations and thus, helping security agencies. Therefore, it would perhaps be pertinent to establish a ‘Global Security Day’ where various security programmes could be organised.
Ten threats
The UN defines security as a conducive environment for development and prosperity. In the current age, security threats come in unexpected and incredible types, like when the Twin Towers in New York were reduced to ground zero by jet planes turned into flying bombs. In 2003, a high-level UN threat analysis team identified ten major security threats of the 21st Century—poverty; infectious disease; environmental degradation; interstate war; civil war; genocide; atrocities; trade in women and children for sexual slavery; kidnapping for body organs; weapons of mass destruction; terrorism; and transnational organised crime.
The existence of such threats is evident in the more than 100,000 deaths of the Syrian civil war; the chemical weapons used in Kurdistan; the continuing development of nuclear warheads; the hazards of nuclear power plants like in Fukushima; intrastate conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan and inter-state conflicts between Israel, Lebanon, North and South Sudan. Incidents of terrorism are also present, like when Boko Haram Islamists killed 59 students in Nigeria. Furthermore, there are 100 million street children worldwide with 50,000 deaths per day related to poverty. Global warming impacts include temperature rises; regular food shortages in Sub-Saharan Africa; shifting rain patterns in South Asia, some parts under water while others without water for power generation, irrigation or drinking; loss of reefs in South East Asia; and increasing vulnerability of coastal cities to cyclones.
In Kathmandu, unregulated deep boring for water, air pollution, overcrowding, increasing number of vehicles, haphazard construction of buildings and unsanitary living conditions have all degraded the environment. Furthermore, the International Labor Organization states that 2.4 million women are trafficked for forced labour. Nepali victims are trafficked within Nepal and to India, the Middle East and Malaysia. They are often forced to become prostitutes, domestic servants, beggars and circus performers. Each year, around 5,000-10,000 women are trafficked to India for prostitution.
Transnational crime
Civil wars continue across the world even as criminal gangs proliferate. The UN Office on Drugs and Crime estimates an illicit flow of $125 billion per year to crime syndicates. The pervasive activities of criminals have compelled countries to formulate new policies, strategies and more effective control measures. In that vein, the issue of wiretapping for intelligence collection is currently under intense scrutiny. The importance of wiretapping for the protection of the public must be made known. Restrictions on wiretapping would be unwise and would weaken the capability of security agencies. However, agencies must strictly adhere to legal procedures for wiretaps. But gathering intelligence must remain an anonymous service.
Transnational crime will be the defining issue of the 21st century for policymakers. Terrorists and transnational crime groups will proliferate as major beneficiaries of globalisation with enormous strength while governments remain stuck in lengthy administrative procedures for approval, delaying immediate operational responses. Transnational organised crime undermines democracy, disrupts free markets, drains national assets, inhibits the development of stable societies and threatens the security of all nations. In Nepal, the government, political leaders and security agencies must realise that our transitional situation provides a favourable environment for the growth of transnational organised crime. Nepal is currently being used as a transit point and a shelter by international terrorists money launderers, counterfeiters and financial criminals.
A tripartite approach
The implementation of effective policies, necessary laws, control measures and modern resources are required for an immediate response. The current state of security policies, strategies and implementation needs to be strengthened. The proclamation of a ‘Global Security Day’ would be a noteworthy milestone in this aspect. The rational ground of initiating this concept would be to bring together all governments, security agencies and citizens on one tripartite platform in an effort to isolate and deal with criminals. The ten threats, as identified by the UN, are inter-related and thus, demand a collective preventive approach. The UN and Interpol are two such existing platforms for security agencies.
A Global Security Day programme would be an appropriate platform for the public to participate. The objective would be to develop public awareness on preventing crime; protecting the environment; raising health consciousness; educating about the effects of war; controlling human trafficking; creating an environment friendly to innovative and cost-effective crime and threat prevention measures; and enhancing effective coordination between tripartite actors. The Global Security Day will be a collective venture, bonding scattered security programmes and eventually consolidating global security. Security agencies alone cannot confront unexpected challenges. The success of politics, economy, prosperity, development or security depends on the support, voice and optimism of a majority of the people. Likewise, a people-based approach is essential for the effectiveness of proactive policing.
A big budget alone is not effective either, as was obvious in the 9/11 attacks in the US. There is a need for a new dimensional approach to security by revamping current policies and strategies. The new approach should involve dedicated and determined citizens willing to cooperate and assist the government and security agencies in the approach to the ten threats. Thus, the formal proclamation of a security programme as Global Security Day by the UN would be appropriate. This can be a congenial platform for the sharing of information and the development of mutual trust between peoples, countries and security agencies. The initiation of a new tripartite collective security strategy would definitely consolidate current individual policies and approaches.
Lama is a former Inspector General of the Armed Police Force ([email protected])