
Extreme heat disrupts life in West Tarai

Schools in Kailali, Bardiya and Kanchanpur suspend classes for at least a week after students started falling ill. Dhangadhi hottest in 28 years, says Met office. Extreme heat disrupts life in West Tarai
People carrying umbrellas pictured on the highway between Bharatpur and Narayanghat, in Chitwan on Friday noon. Rain is the only hope to bring down rising temperatures across the Tarai. Ramesh Kumar Paudel/TKP
Arjun Sahi, Kamal Panthi & Bhawani Bhatta
Published at : June 1, 2024
Updated at : June 1, 2024 18:16
Dhangadhi/ Bardiya/ Kanchanpur

Bhawani Bhatta

Bhawani Bhatta is the Kanchanpur correspondent for Kantipur Publications.
