16 rhinos die of natural cause
Although the poaching of one-horned rhino has completely come under control, a total of 16 rhinos died of natural cause at the Chitwan National Park so far in the current fiscal year.
Although the poaching of one-horned rhino has completely come under control, a total of 16 rhinos died of natural cause at the Chitwan National Park so far in the current fiscal year.
A total of 10 rhinos died natural death in the park in 2071 BS. The Park has however not seen a single rhino died of poaching since May 3, 2015. However, 16 rhinos died of natural cause during the same period.
Assistant Conservation Officer at the Park, Nurendra Aryal, said some rhinos died from attack of tiger and crocodile, fighting with each other as well as receiving electric shock.
There are 645 rhinos across the nation while Chitwan National Park alone is home to 605, as per the latest census. The number of rhinos had decreased sharply during the armed conflict period.
However, the number of rhinos rose with the success of the anti-poaching campaign organized by the government. RSS