Villagers demand harsh punishment
People from Marchahawa of Kudiya VDC-4 in Nawalparasi district on Monday staged a demonstration to protest the murder of 10-year-old Jivan Kohar in a human sacrifice ritual.
Bechu Gaud
They stopped their protest only after Chief District Officer Hari Prasad Mainali assured that he would recommend maximum penalty against the persons found involved in the boy’s murder. Mainali also assured the protesting villagers of launching various awareness campaigns in the district to discourage ill practices borne out of superstition.
On July 21, Jivan was killed in a human sacrifice ritual by slitting his throat. The boy’s neighbour, Kodai Harijan, and 10 others have been arrested in connection to the incident.
Harijan has admitted that he killed Jivan after a local shaman advised him that he should sacrifice a human child to cure his sick son.
Superintendent of Police Nalprasad Upadhyay said that Harijan and other suspects are currently being held in investigative custody. He added that a case will soon be filed against the suspects and that maximum penalty will be recommended against them.