Vegetable prices fall amid winter harvest, pesticide fears
In mid-December, according to Nepal’s central bank, vegetable inflation increased by 43.05 percent, pulses and legumes by 10.66 percent and cereal grains and their products by 9.70 percent.
Post Report
Vegetable prices, which soared over the past few months, causing food inflation to hit double digits, have started to decline.
Traders said the sufficient supply of winter vegetables in the market and concerns over high pesticide levels in leafy greens and other produce contributed to this trend.
According to the Kalimati Fruits and Vegetable Market Development Board's price index, the wholesale prices of various vegetables, including tomatoes, potatoes, onions, carrots, cabbage, cauliflower, radishes, eggplants, green peas, French beans, squash, leafy greens, and mushrooms, have dropped over the past two weeks in the Kathmandu valley.
Retail prices have also begun to decline.
"The prices have decreased due to the peak season for winter vegetables and the normalisation of production following heavy rainfall last September," said Binay Shrestha, an information officer at the board, which manages Nepal’s largest vegetable wholesale market in Kalimatu.
He added that high pesticide levels in many leafy greens have also contributed to the price drop.
Shrestha said the board recently disposed of 600 kg of leafy greens after lab tests revealed excessive pesticide levels, making them unsafe for consumption.
The wholesale price of mustard greens dropped by 17.80 percent to Rs12.33 per kg, while seasonal spinach prices declined by 41.67 percent to Rs35 per kg. In retail, a medium-sized bundle of mustard greens costs Rs30–Rs40, and spinach costs about the same.
The wholesale price of small Indian tomatoes fell by 8.90 percent to Rs32.67 per kg. Larger Indian and local small tomatoes remained stable at Rs65 per kg and Rs22.67 per kg, respectively.
However, in retail, large Indian tomatoes are priced at Rs110–Rs120 per kg, and local small tomatoes cost Rs60–Rs65 per kg. Bhat-Bhateni Supermarket listed tomatoes at Rs40 per kg on Monday.
The wholesale price of red potatoes dropped by 14.82 percent to Rs38.33 per kg, while Indian red potatoes decreased by 13.95 percent to Rs37 per kg. In retail, potatoes are sold for Rs75–Rs80 per kg. Onion prices declined by 1.98 percent to Rs66.33 per kg in wholesale but cost Rs90–Rs95 per kg in retail.
Local carrots saw a 40 percent price drop to Rs45 per kg in wholesale, while carrots from the Terai region declined by 61.54 percent to Rs25 per kg. Retail prices range from Rs95–Rs100 per kg.
Cabbage prices dropped significantly, with local varieties decreasing by 55.44 percent to Rs12.33 per kg and Terai varieties by 30.22 percent to the same price. Retail cabbage prices range from Rs55–Rs60 per kg.
Wholesale cauliflower prices also fell sharply, with local varieties declining by 50 percent to Rs10 per kg. Retail prices are around Rs59 per kg, while Bhat-Bhateni Supermarket set the price at Rs25 per kg.
The wholesale price of long eggplants fell by 28.57 percent to Rs25 per kg, and round eggplants dropped by 22.22 percent to Rs35 per kg. Seasonal green peas decreased by 40 percent to Rs45 per kg.
The Kalimati market has recently seen an above-normal supply of vegetables, receiving 1,026 tonnes on Sunday compared to the usual 700–800 tonnes.
In mid-December, food inflation in Nepal reached 9.99 percent, contributing to an overall consumer price inflation of 6.05 percent, up from 4.95 percent the previous year.
Rising prices of vegetables and legumes drove the double-digit food inflation.
According to Nepal’s central bank, vegetable inflation increased by 43.05 percent, pulses and legumes by 10.66 percent and cereal grains and their products rose by 9.70 percent in the first five months of the current fiscal year.
Traders predict that vegetable prices will remain stable in the coming weeks.