TODAY'S HOROSCOPE : March 25, 2023
You will become more temperamental throughout the coming weeks. Accomplishing tasks may feel especially difficult when your heart’s not in it. You’ll find yourself in a chatty and curious headspace, so be sure to flex your social skills.
ARIES (March 21-April 19)
You will become more temperamental throughout the coming weeks. Accomplishing tasks may feel especially difficult when your heart’s not in it. You’ll find yourself in a chatty and curious headspace, so be sure to flex your social skills.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20)
You’ll feel motivated to follow your ideas. You’ll find that it’s easier to speak and think with passion, so don’t be afraid to follow your heart. Look for ways to reconnect with your senses and appreciate where you are.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21)
You’ll feel motivated by money and the pursuit of fine things. It’s okay if you get a bit materialistic, as long as you take care to nurture your finances. However, you may need to set some boundaries.
CANCER (June 22-July 22)
Pursu the people and hobbies that make you feel alive. Spiritual connections could manifest, bringing out your inner mystic. You may want to avoid large crowds if they tend to make you anxious, opting instead to keep your circle small.
LEO (July 23-August 22)
Play with new ideas and creative hobbies, keeping your work under wraps until it’s ready to be displayed. A rush of social activity will come your way, whether you’re ready for it or not.
VIRGO (August 23-September 22)
You will crave community putting you in touch with the invisible threads that connect us all. Take a moment to express gratitude to the other side, which can also help you nurture soul bonds and romantic connections.
LIBRA (September 23-October 22)
You’ll feel emotionally invested in your professional success. Advocate for your dreams, pushing the envelope if it can help you get ahead. It is the perfect opportunity to do a bit of candle magick, meditation, prayer, or manifestation work.
SCORPIO (October 23-November 21)
It important that you move full steam ahead toward your dreams. Consider sending a flirty text, setting the stage for playfulness and romance. Focus on self-improvement and a transformation of the mind throughout the next two days.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December 21)
You’ll feel motivated to work on yourself. Though there will certainly be themes around moving ahead, you’ll likely be asked to make a few sacrifices in order to grow. A helping hand will bring profoundness to your words.
CAPRICORN (December 22-January 19)
You can expect to see more movement in your love life. Prepare to be moved by passionate exchanges, flirtation, and amore, allowing such beauty to reinvigorate your soul. Consider taking a break and allowing your mind to unwind.
AQUARIUS (January 20-February 18)
Embrace wellness, though you’ll need to touch base with your core habits in order to truly untangle any patterns that need fixing. You will have transformative and meaningful conversations, giving you an opportunity to bond with others.
PISCES (February 19-March 20)
Get ready for an era of fun, creativity, and perhaps a bit of steam. Let your chin up and hair down, so be sure to move forward with pride and playfulness. Take note of any inspired thoughts that find you.