
Samples from Kapilvastu villages brought to Kathmandu for tests

Two people have died of a diarrhoea-like outbreak that started on Monday night. Doctors suspect cholera, which the local laboratory failed to confirm. Samples from Kapilvastu villages brought to Kathmandu for tests
Patients are treated outside Shivaraj Hospital in Krishnanagar Municipality, Kapilvastu. Manoj Paudel/TKP
Arjun Poudel
Published at : October 8, 2021
Updated at : October 8, 2021 01:05

Arjun Poudel

Arjun Poudel is a health reporter for The Kathmandu Post. Before joining the Post, he worked for Sagarmatha Television, Naya Patrika, Republica and The Himalayan Times.
