China increases bases with missiles capable of striking Japan
Satellite images taken in May 2024 also show that land is being leveled, opening up the possibility of further facilities being built.
Satellite images taken in May 2024 also show that land is being leveled, opening up the possibility of further facilities being built.
Taking place amid China’s growing military presence in the Indo-Pacific region, the drill was aimed at strengthening the two countries’ response capabilities for the urgent task of defending Japan’s remote islands.
Based on the Prevention of Infectious Diseases in Livestock Law, the prefectural government ordered the vaccination of cattle at 50 farms located within a 20-kilometer radius of the farm where the disease was first detected.
According to South Korea’s National Intelligence Service, the North Korean troops are now learning how to control unmanned aircraft in Russia, among other things.
Of the over-the-counter drugs, which are medications that can be purchased without a prescription, about 1,500 products that contain six types of substances that could be abused would be subject to the new rules.
A team of researchers, mainly from the Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International, plans to introduce the technology so people outside the venue can join visitors and tour one of the pavilions.
The AZEC is a framework proposed by former Prime Minister Fumio Kishida in 2022 to achieve decarbonization in Asia.
New Cabinet will focus its efforts on restoration and reconstruction in the areas affected by Noto Peninsula Earthquake, among other issues.