Culture & Lifestyle

How Tesro Aayam shaped Nepali literature

The movement propagated by Indra Bahadur Rai, Ishwar Ballav and Bairagi Kainla was short-lived but it left a significant mark on Nepal’s literary world. How Tesro Aayam shaped Nepali literature
Indra Bahadur Rai (second from left) and Bairagi Kainla (right) with family and friends in West Sikkim in 2004.  Photo courtesy: Namoti Nembang
Parbat Portel & Samuel Chhetri
Published at : November 14, 2019

Parbat Portel

Parbat Portel is the Jhapa correspondent for Kantipur Publications.

Samuel Chhetri

Samuel Chhetri is an online reporter for The Kathmandu Post, covering a wide range of issues, including politics, society, sports, arts and entertainment.
