
French government felled in no-confidence vote, deepening political crisis

No French government had lost a confidence vote since Georges Pompidou’s in 1962. French government felled in no-confidence vote, deepening political crisis
French far-right leader and member of parliament Marine Le Pen, President of the French far-right National Rally (Rassemblement National - RN) party parliamentary group, delivers a speech during a debate on two motions of no-confidence against the French government, tabled by the alliance of left-wing parties the “Nouveau Front Populaire” (New Popular Front - NFP) and the far-right Rassemblement National party, after the use by French government of the article 49.3, a special clause in the French Constitution, to push the budget bill through the National Assembly without a vote by lawmakers, at the National Assembly in Paris, France, December 4, 2024.  Reuters
Published at : December 5, 2024
Updated at : December 5, 2024 08:26
