
Bahadur Singh Lama and Surendra Pandey elected leader of provincial assembly parties of Nepali Congress

Lama secured 21 votes defeating Indra Bahadur Baniya, who garnered 16 votes, while Pandey garnered 18 votes to defeat Bhojraj Aryal who secured eight votes. Bahadur Singh Lama and Surendra Pandey elected leader of provincial assembly parties of Nepali Congress
Subash Bidari & Pratiksha Kafle
Published at : December 28, 2022
Updated at : December 28, 2022 18:36
Makwanpur & Kaski

Subash Bidari

Subash Bidari is the Makwanpur correspondent for Kantipur Publications.

Pratiksha Kafle

Pratiksha Kafle is the Syangja correspondent for Kantipur Media Group.
