Anish Ghimire

Ghimire is a Culture and Lifestyle reporter. He is also the author of 'A Walk Away From Home' and 'The Stardust In Us'.

Latest from Anish Ghimire

Uncomfortable truths

‘Boksi Ko Ghar’ is raw, unfiltered and disturbing. It shows how women in rural settings are still persecuted as witches.

Finding the balance

Psychologist Laxman Nath explains the warning signs of imbalance between work and personal life and how one can build healthy boundaries for mental well-being.

The early modern architecture of Kathmandu

The exhibition ‘Modern Encounters in Architecture: Kathmandu Valley (1945 - 1985)’, which is taking place at Taragaon Next, aims to draw public attention to an important period in Nepali architecture.

A web of intrigue and suspense

In ‘Memories of Murder’, Bong Joon Ho creates a world that feels both familiar and unsettling, drawing viewers into the labyrinthine mysteries of the human mind.

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